Friday, May 15, 2009

Busy as a Bee!

I cannot believe how time has flown by these days.. Aurellia is 1 1/2 years old and that means almost 2 which means the tamtrums and the hissy fits will be starting.. oh joy.. one day at a time..
Well since the last update Aurellia has got a new play structure in our backyard, lambeau got a mut cutt, plus Aurellia is now obsessed with cory or as she says it CORGIE!!!
We did head to the eye doctor and she did great... so far no major worries with her eyes...
I hope everyone had a great mother's day.. thanks Aurellia for a hot stone massage.. cannot wait to go. Well this weekend is may long and as every year Jason leaves for Pointe du Bois - fishing.. more like ice fishing.. it is gonna be a cold one...Have fun!
Sharon, Aurellia and Myself are going to be heading to GF for a night... cannot wait...
Well all in all that's what's going on in our lives... busy.. busy....oh yeah I attended the New Kids Concert with Hollie and Tracy.. good times...
Chow for now
Peters Fam.

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